Monday, October 21, 2013

Stone Mountain, Atlanta, GA and home

Since we wanted to get near the Atlanta Speedway for the Good Sam Rally, we decided to spent a few days at Stone Mountain, GA. which is northeast of Atlanta. Most of the attractions were closed in the middle of the week, but we rode the tram to the top of the mountain...

and walked around the granite surface.

It was interesting to view the area from the top of the mountain.

When we returned to the bottom we spent some time walking through the museum. The history of the carving was impressive. This is the carving of Jefferson Davis, Robert E Lee, and Stonewall Jackson on the side of the mountain.

One of the displays inside compared the sizes of different monuments around the world to give perspective.

We took a hike around a nature trail that was much longer than we expected, so we were tired out at the end of the day.

Our final stop before getting home to Florida was the Good Sam Rally at the Atlanta Speedway. There were so many interesting seminars that we went to different ones and then shared the information. There were over 2700 coaches in attendance. Here's a shot of the entertainment stage with seminar tents in the background.

The entertainment was outstanding each night with the Beach Boys, Vince Gill, and the Vogues. Here's Vince Gill.

After his show they had  fireworks.

The weather wasn't perfect but there were beautiful sunsets while we were watching the shows.

In addition to many vendors in the tents there was a booth with ladies recruiting for next summer at Dollywood in TN. We spoke with them several times, asked lots of questions, applied, interviewed, and were hired to work on water attractions at the park. Dan will be on Dare Devil Falls, a log jammer ride, and I will work on River Battle, a ride where passengers are equipped with soaker guns to spray targets and people on the river banks. We'll camp about 1 and1/2 miles from the park. We're looking forward to this new experience. And the adventure continues.........

So after over 6000 miles and 5 and 1/2 months we are home in Spring Hill. We're up to our necks in the chores of unpacking, washing, cleaning, and reorganizing. We're thankful that we are healthy enough to venture out and explore the country.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

South Carolina visits 9/27-10/15

We spent part of our time in SC at Myrtle Beach where our daughter Donna lives and the other part at Moncks Corner near Charleston where our son Doug lives. Fortunately we had lots of good quality time with both families.

At Myrtle Beach we attended a band competition where grandson Chris plays the tuba. Socastee High School did a magnificent job. In addition to visiting with Donna and family and friends from NC we enjoyed several walks on the beach. The weather cooperated with temperatures in the 70's and low humidity, just how we like it. Doug and family came up for the weekend to attend the motorcycle rally. Mary rode home on the back of Doug's bike and Nancy rode her motorcycle.

Meanwhile back at the RV, Daimen cremated Grandma in a game of Spite and Malace.

We drove south to the Navy campground where our campsite was on Lake Moultrie, the sight of beautiful sunsets.

What a relaxing scene for eating lunch.

We took a day trip to Charleston with Doug and friend Nancy to see the sights and enjoy lunch on the waterfront. Columbia was the destination on another day where Daimen, who plays the trumpet for Goose Creek High School, performed in a competition. We were impressed with their outstanding performance. As a bonus we enjoyed dinner at our nephew Bob's restaurant - delicious food and fantastic company! We realized that we should have taken more pictures while we were there.